This year’s open enrollment will once again require MORE communication. Not LESS. Yes. That’s right. And for the HR leaders charged with educating employees about the numerous changes associated with the impact of COVID-19, one email and a postcard will not be enough. After all, this is not a simple flu shot campaign.
Like others, your workforce will most likely continue working from home during this year’s enrollment and perhaps beyond. According to a new study from IBM, 54% of employees want to work remotely after the pandemic. As a result, now is the time to give some thought to a more robust communication strategy that engages and educates employees on multiple levels and not just one. I’m looking at you benefits guide and postcard.
As important as it is, and as valuable as it can be during a "normal year," open enrollment can find most employees confused and disengaged. As part of the "new normal," your messages will have to strike the right tone as you share critical information about employees benefits without creating additional fear and anxiety amongst an already tense employee population.
Now, here’s some good news. While working from home will present new communication challenges, chances are employees will feel safer in the comfort of their own home and more focused than ever before on health and wellness. Engage them on multiple levels that go beyond just email. After all, Zoom and other video conferencing tools are now part of their daily fabric. Introduce new communication channels that include additional tools such as instant messaging, text messaging, and mobile apps. Of course, that's taking into consideration, HIPPA and other business practice requirements.